Te Tai o Awatea

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Te Tai o Awatea is connecting the local peoples and Māori within Te Tai-o-Aorere (Tasman Bay region) with the sacred treasures of their forebears.
Visit the website

We are always delighted to work within Te Ao Māori and we were happy to be able to help deliver this project in Te Reo Māori first and English as a secondary language. The team over at Te Tai o Awatea were lovely and we’re proud to be able to support their kaupapa.

How we helped

  • Designed a fully translation ready website in Te Reo Māori and Reo Pākehā
  • Worked with their designer to implement their unique brand and Kōwhaiwhai
  • Built a custom events and programmes system to allow them to manage these types of content easily
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