Kirkpatrick Scholarship

Website design for Kirkpatrick Scholarship
The Kirkpatrick Scholarship funds secondary school girls from Years 9 - 13 to attend Nelson College for Girls and board at CJ House. The trust was set up in 1925 by Samuel Kirkpatrick and has educated over 500 girls.
Visit the website

How we helped

Kirkpatrick house asked us to build a website so that the outside world would know a little more about them and to promote donations towards the running of the Trust.

Here’s what we delivered:

  • Working closely with Kirsten from Revell Design (who did the branding and graphic design) we created a modern site design that remains true to the organisations roots and history.
  • Concise content strategy and guidance on web copy to help them tell the right story
  • A donations facility to enable them to receive donations
  • A fully online applications process
  • Webcare, hosting and domain management

It is fair to say that I know little or nothing about website building. However, the need for our charitable trust to have an online presence had become overwhelming. So where to begin? There are a billion providers out there and plenty of traps for young players. The ‘who to trust with our scarce cash’ part was overwhelming…… until I phoned a friend from my old waka paddling days – Jan Blythe of Avoca Design. All at once the minefield disappeared – step by step we made progress, no huff, no puff. Eventually, Jan and Brendyn got the job done, on time and under budget. Best of all, our entire Board of Governors loved the look and the feel of the website – it really reflected our culture and the message was very clear. Big thanks to the Team at Avoca – impressive stuff.

Jeff Grimmett
Chairman, Kirkpatrick House Trust, Nelson

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