Ceol Aneas, Irish music festival

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Ceol Aneas is an annual festival of traditional Irish music, song and dance. The only festival of it's kind in New Zealand, Tutors are brought over from Ireland each year to teach and play.
Visit the website

Brendyn’s first love is traditional Irish music and so it’s been a joy to rebuild the website for Ceol Aneas and modernise the platform used to promote and run the event. Brendyn has been a committee member in the past (for 11 years) and has taught at the festival many times as well.

The festival needed a bit of a brand update and so we worked on a colour palette that invokes the intimate evening vibe of an Irish session, the core experience of the festival for the participants.

We spent quite a bit of time working on some complex and dynamic page layouts that allow the committee to manage the site more simply whilst powering a modern and interlinked site.

How we helped:

  • Built an interlinking “Class” and “Guest” system to allow the committee to enter the details of who is performing and teaching each year and link them to the class they are teaching
  • Built an easy to manage programme tool that allows all the various events over the weekend to be displayed visually and also separated into public and student only events
  • Listing all the venues with an automatically generated Google Map system
  • Significantly improved the registration process with a comprehensive registration form
  • Connected the form to Stripe for automatic credit card billing, simplifying the previous registration flow
  • Making all the key details for the festival manageable from one place in the admin area of the website. That makes it easy for committee members to change things like dates, prices for the registrations, early bird cut off dates, all from one central place.

Avoca have just rebuilt our website. We couldn’t be happier. The colours and layout captured me instantly. It’s easy for visitors to navigate, to get the information they need, then register and pay.

Due to the understanding Avoca has of our needs and processes, the back end, where I spent a fair bit of time updating the variables for our events, is easy to work through. The support, when needed is quick and knowledgeable.

Highly recommended. 5 Stars

Michael Mackinnon
Committee Member - Ceol Aneas Irish Music Festival
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