Adam Chamber Music Festival

Website design for Nelson based Adam Chamber Music Festival
The Adam Chamber Music Festival is a biannual 10 day international festival of wonderful chamber music in Nelson with internationally renowned chamber musicians and the best of New Zealand's talent as well.
Visit the website

We’ve been working with the Adam Chamber Music Festival for well over 10 years. Brendyn was also the festival’s stage manager for 4 festivals in a row, so we’ve got a great understanding of the event.

We’re delighted to help them revamp their website for the 2024 festival.

How we helped

  • Redesigned the site to incorporate the new branding for the 2024 festival
  • Improved the load speed by modernising the backend framework
  • Ecommerce features for pre selling VIP tickets to long term festival supporters
  • Automate the collection of email sign ups

Working with Avoca Web Design was a pleasure and took the mystery out of web design. It’s easy enough to assess their design skills, simply visit one of their sites, I know we were very pleased.

Bob Bickerton
Former Manager - Adam Chamber Music Festival

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