Turning Point Clinic

Website design for Turning Point Clinic
Turningpoint is a coaching & mentoring, mindfulness & holistic wellbeing practice run by Jamilla Knopp and Kieron Goodwin helping to improve their clients quality of life through enhanced life choices and self-care practices.
Visit the website

What we did:

Jamilla and Kieron came to us with an existing site that needed to be updated. They had branding and colours that they wanted to keep.\]

What we did:

  • Created a more modern design by taking the existing colours and working with them to create the look and fell that Jamilla and Kieron felt resonated with them and their practice.
  • Incorporated the booking platform into the website so clients can book online
  • Trained Jamilla so she can keep the website up-to-date

Kieron and I chose you to design our new website after our initial meeting because we liked your approach and it felt like you would partner us in the whole process of the creation of the new site well, which you did. And I felt like you heard me and understood what we wanted to create and needed.

Jamilla Knopp
Turning Point

The process went well, and we couldn’t be happier with the new website. In the end, it got dragged out longer then I wanted, but that was because I had to find and take the time to make all the necessary adjustments, which were my part of the work. I think you gave us more time and work than we had anticipated, and we couldn’t be happier

Jamilla Knopp
Business Owner

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